Eye infections are no fun to deal with, especially when the itchiness and dryness make it challenging to concentrate and visually focus. In addition, depending on the infection, the eyes could turn pink, the surrounding skin turns red, and a sticky discharge may come from the eyes. Therefore, upon the first symptoms of an eye infection, it is essential to seek medical eye care from an ophthalmologist to treat the symptoms. The optometrist at New Century Ophthalmology helps patients from Oxford and Raleigh, NC, seek eye infection treatment.
Symptoms of an Eye Infection?
Symptoms of eye infections vary depending on the source and cause of the condition. Some people experience eye infections in one eye, but it is common to experience an eye infection in both eyes. Symptoms of an eye infection may include itchy eyes, feeling like something is in the vision, pain, discomfort, and a burning sensation.
In addition, some people may notice a painful lump under the eyelid, the base of the eyelashes, or tenderness when the eyelid is touched. A watery, yellow, or green discharge is also a common symptom of eye infections.