
This is a common eye-focusing problem, especially in individuals aged 40 and above. Presbyopia is a condition where the lens in the eye decreases in flexibility, making it hard to focus on close objects. This is not an eye disease, and it can be treated with corrective lenses such as glasses or contact lenses. If you experience blurry close-up vision or difficulty focusing when reading, consult an ophthalmologist or an eye doctor as soon as possible.


Astigmatism is a refractive error that causes distorted, blurry vision. This condition happens when the cornea or lens has an irregular shape. Ophthalmologists recommend treating astigmatism with corrective lenses, refractive surgery, or orthokeratology, where specialized contact lenses are worn to reshape the eye.


Strabismus, also known as crossed eye or lazy eye, is a condition where the eyes are misaligned. As a result, the brain receives two different images, causing eye fatigue, double vision, and headaches. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact an eye doctor immediately. Treatment options include eye exercises, corrective lenses, or surgery.

Eye Teaming and Tracking Problems

These refer to difficulties coordinating eye movements. Kids and adults can experience this condition, but it is more common in children. If not addressed, an eye-teaming or tracking problem may result in poor reading skills, eye strain, headaches, and double vision. Treatment for eye-teaming and tracking problems involves vision therapy, where eye exercises are used to improve eye coordination.

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Eye Injuries

Trauma to the eye or head can lead to eye-focusing problems, along with other eye conditions. These include penetrating eye injuries, eye strain from digital devices, and concussion-related vision problems. Always wear protective eyewear when engaging in activities that can cause eye injuries. It's also essential to consult an eye doctor if you experience eye pain or sudden vision changes after an injury for comprehensive eye care.

Make an Appointment with Us Today

Many factors can cause eye-focusing problems, and ignoring the symptoms can lead to severe eye conditions. Book regular eye exams with your ophthalmologist or eye doctor to address these issues and prevent future vision problems. If you live near Raleigh or Oxford, visit us at New Century Ophthalmology for a check-up. Remember to take care of your eyes, and they will serve you well. Call our Raleigh office today at (919) 861-4494 or our Oxford office at (919) 693-6661 .

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